Isonniitynkatu Housing

Sofianlehto, Kumpula, Helsinki
Year of completion: 2013
Client: The City of Helsinki
Gross floor area: 2,417 sqm

Isonniitty Housing in Sofianlehto is designed for severely disabled people. The aim was to create a new type of dwelling house and get the inhabitants a possibility to live in their own homes where their special needs are regarded. Building consist of four group homes, each of them including 5 or 6 one room apartments which are grouped around shared spaces with direct access to the courtyard. The core of the building includes rooms for the personnel and medical staff working around the clock, as well as the common spaces such as sauna-spa and the multipurpose rooms with therapy equipment. In the middle of the building is a small wintergarden, a so called Garden of Senses.

The views open to the nature with deep rocky surrounding and preserved large trees so that inhabitants with restricted senses and reduced mobility have possibilities to have positive experiences of the nature. The building and its courtyard are fully accessible by wheelchairs and transfer beds.

The building is light colored to fit with the surroundings buildings. The façade materials are light plastered brick, glass, tinted wood and pre patinated copper. Also natural stone is used on the supporting walls. The loadbearing structure of the building is mainly reinforced concrete and steel pillars and steel beams.

Hanasaari housing area city plan invitational competition

Helsinki, Hanasaari
Year: 2007
Client: Helsingin kaupunkisuunnitteluvirasto

Purjekallio housing company

Helsinki, Jollas
Gross floor area: 770 sqm

1st phase 1991 two detached houses.

Purjekallio housing company

Helsinki, Jollas
Gross floor area: 440 sqm

2nd phase 1995, a semi-detached house.

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